Self Care is Really the art of living well
This blog is all about offering free resources for sensitive souls on a mission to live better. From healthy plant-centered recipes to DIYS, no B.S. advice, and more.
Living well is no easy feat in our current fast paced world -- we all need as much help as we can get! I simply offer my experience as a Highly Sensitive Person who has dedicated the last 13 years to discovering the secrets of thriving despite the chaos.
So you too can make the transition from "GO GO GO! " to "Slow slow slow!"

Self Care Checklist PRintable
A printable full of sweet reminders for ways to check-in on yourself throughout the day.
Life Changing Lattes Ebook
This printable e-book features 15 delicious blender-latte recipes, mostly under 5 ingredients.
Hi, I’m Renee Byrd! Here’s what you need to know: I'm just a comedy-, food-, yoga-loving nerd with a whole lot of passions and not enough hours in the day. I always dance like no one's watching. I usually have dark chocolate in my purse. And most of the time I work from my kitchen table. I’m here to help multi-passionate, sensitive creatives experience more health, joy and levity.